Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Question Mark: Gold Plated Edition

People. If you're buying this, you have too much money.
And for ME to say that, you KNOW you're far gone.

I call "fashion" or "design" merchandise that you have to put in parentheses as QUESTION MARKS.  I got this phrase at a shitty rave back in the 90's when my best friend Emily and I fried balls (read: did a lot of acid) and sat in a crazy, neon paint splattered bathroom all night, and christened women who may or may not have been men at some point in their lives* "question marks".  Like, is that a woman...? QUESTION MARK.

Same shit with fashion/design/art.  Like...if I plate something totally mundane with gold, does that make it fashion? Ironically, if this was just ONE PIECE and I saw it under the guise of an exhibit, I would think it was hilariously witty and even "deep".


I spent my entire teen youth trying to get RID of these things, and now that I'm an adult with a reasonable income I can go and buy a gold plated one.  HA!   Take that, Nordstroms!!! You arrested me once when I was like 15 and now I'm sort of rich and proving my point by WEARING THIS!  THIS ISN'T A MISTAKE!  I'M WEARING IT ON PURPOSE!  I put it there!  It's GOLD!

$700, you guys.  This is as lame as the gold paper clips I found a few months back.

*I completely support trans in any and all ways, no disrespect.

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