Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wins and Losses: Oak NYC 2011

Oak NYC sells a bunch of lovely shit which is overpriced as FUCK! Chances of me actually spending money at their site: 0% (when I want to blow cash, I head to Fred Segal down the street). However, I don't damn mind window shoppin' at their site, so here are the wins 'n losses for February 2011!


black leather fringe clutch
I love quality leather (sorry, animals) and I love fringe.  I saw a fringed purse at Fred Segal last week I almost creamed my panties for (it's also $350...WTF) and decided to see what Oak had that was similar.  Answer: something more expensive. Goddamn it!
caviar square collar linen sweater
Linen sweater?! Bad ass!  Even more bad ass is the fact you can button it a variety of ways, making you feel smarter for spending almost $200 on a fucking sweater.
black hip mini dress
Unlike this model, I have a rack.  That means I love deep v's, as they're basically billboards for what God or your surgeon blessed you with.
Oak Black Mesh Pierced Legging, $138

People, can we get over this TRON look? It was fresh in 2007, but that was 5 years ago.  GIVE IT UP! Also,Oak: these are nylons, not leggings.
black eat me whole sandal boot
Irregular Choice Black Eat Me Whole Sandal Boot, $189

When are we going to stop this "Frankenstein" boot trend?! I feel like the whole world just wants to end up on the Man Repeller blog, so they keep trying to make chicks wear uglier and uglier shit.  I dunno about you, but I like it when my feet look SEXY.

grey fisherman pants
Harmon Army Fisherman Pants, $388

Ladies: YOU TOO can spend $400 to look like a homeless person on a dock!!! I was reading an article in Glamour (I think...whatever, it was ONE of those stupid fluffy magazines designed to act as Novacaine to your brain) where Andy Samburg said the dudes who grew up in the 90's were the only recent decade of men who missed the "girls in tight pants" trend.  You may remember, the 70's had tight bellbottoms, the 80's had tight skinny jeans, and then the 90's suddenly were all about baggy pants and overalls! F-bomb that! I've got amazing legs and I like to show them off.  I can get behind a harem pant and the occasional loose slack look, but this is just ridiculous.  Army pant PLUS fisherman pant?! Does this come with a penis?  Sure doesn't come with a mirror.


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